Cable Chest Workout: Build a Bigger, Stronger Chest with These 6 Exercises

cable chest exercises

Do you want a bigger, stronger chest?

If so, then cable chest exercises are for you. Cable exercises offer a number of advantages over traditional free weight exercises, such as constant tension throughout the entire range of motion and reduced risk of injury.

In this blog post, we will share a customized cable chest workout that you can use to build a bigger, stronger chest. The workout includes six exercises that target all of the major muscle groups in the chest.

So, what are you waiting for? Start building your dream chest today with this cable chest workout!

Chest cable exercises are a versatile and effective way to build and strengthen your chest muscles. They can be performed using a variety of cable machines, and they can be modified to target different areas of your chest.

Cable exercises offer a number of advantages over traditional free weight exercises. For example, cable machines provide constant tension on your muscles throughout the entire range of motion. This can help you to get a better workout and achieve better results.

Additionally, cable exercises are generally safer than free weight exercises, as they are less likely to cause injuries. This is because cable machines provide support and stability, and they help to keep your body in proper alignment.

4 Reasons to Use Cables Instead of Free Weights

1. Cables provide constant tension.

Unlike free weights, cables provide continuous tension throughout the entire range of motion of an exercise. This is because cables are attached to a pulley system that provides resistance from all angles. This constant tension can help to improve muscle recruitment and activation, leading to better gains in strength and hypertrophy.

2. Cables are safer.

Cables are generally safer to use than free weights, especially for beginners. This is because cables are guided machines that help to keep the body in proper alignment and prevent injuries. Free weights, on the other hand, require more balance and coordination, and can be more dangerous if not used properly.

3. Cables are more versatile.

Cables can be used to perform a wide variety of exercises, targeting all major muscle groups. This is because cables can be attached to different pulleys and handles, allowing for a variety of resistance angles and movement patterns. Free weights, on the other hand, are more limited in terms of their versatility.

4. Cables are easier to use.

Cables are generally easier to use than free weights, especially for compound exercises. This is because cables can help to stabilize the body and reduce the risk of injury. Free weights, on the other hand, require more core engagement and balance, and can be more difficult to use for compound exercises.

Bonus Reason: Cables are more space-efficient.

Cables are generally more space-efficient than free weights. This is because cables can be folded away when not in use, and they do not require a large amount of space to set up. Free weights, on the other hand, require a dedicated space for storage and use.

Overall, cables offer a number of advantages over free weights, making them a good choice for people of all fitness levels. However, it is important to note that both cables and free weights can be effective for building muscle and strength. The best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Additional Benefits of Using Cables

In addition to the four main benefits listed above, cables offer a number of other advantages over free weights, including:

  • Cables can be used to perform unilateral exercises, which can help to improve muscle balance and coordination.
  • Cables can be used to create unique resistance profiles, such as peak contraction training, which can help to maximize muscle growth.
  • Cables can be used to perform exercises that are difficult or impossible to do with free weights, such as cable flyes and cable crossovers.

Overall, cables are a versatile and effective tool for building muscle and strength. They are a good choice for people of all fitness levels, and they can be used to perform a wide variety of exercises.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to build and strengthen your chest muscles, then cable exercises are a great option. Here is a complete guide to chest cable exercises, including how to do them, variations, and tips.


Before you start doing any chest cable exercises, it is important to warm up properly. This will help to prevent injuries. A good warm-up should include some light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks, followed by some dynamic stretches, such as arm circles and shoulder rolls.

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6 Best Cable Exercises for Building Chest

Once you are warmed up, you can start doing some cable flyes. Cable flyes are a great way to warm up your chest muscles and prepare them for more demanding exercises.

Cable Flyes

To do cable flyes, stand in the middle of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp a handle in each hand and extend your arms straight out to your sides. Your palms should be facing each other.

Keeping your core engaged, slowly bring your arms together in front of your chest. As you do this, squeeze your chest muscles. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of cable flyes that you can do to target different areas of your chest muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • Incline Cable Flyes: To do incline cable flyes, set the cable machine to an incline position. This will target the upper portion of your chest muscles.
  • Decline Cable Flyes: To do decline cable flyes, set the cable machine to a decline position. This will target the lower portion of your chest muscles.
  • Narrow Grip Cable Flyes: To do narrow grip cable flyes, grasp the handles with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps muscles.
  • Wide Grip Cable Flyes: To do wide grip cable flyes, grasp the handles with a wider grip. This will target the pectoralis major muscles.


Here are a few tips for doing cable flyes:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.

Cable flyes are a great way to build and strengthen your chest muscles. However, it is important to do them properly to avoid injuries. By following the tips above, you can get the most out of this exercise and achieve the best results.

Cable Crossovers

Cable crossovers are another great chest cable exercise. They are similar to cable flyes, but they target the inner portion of your chest muscles.

How to do cable crossovers?

  1. Stand in the middle of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Grasp a handle in each hand and extend your arms straight out to your sides. Your palms should be facing forward.
  3. Keeping your core engaged, slowly bring your arms across your body until they cross in front of your chest. As you do this, squeeze your chest muscles.
  4. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of cable crossovers that you can do to target different areas of your chest muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • High Cable Crossovers: To do high cable crossovers, set the pulleys to the highest position. This will target the upper portion of your chest muscles.
  • Low Cable Crossovers: To do low cable crossovers, set the pulleys to the lowest position. This will target the lower portion of your chest muscles.
  • Narrow Grip Cable Crossovers: To do narrow grip cable crossovers, grasp the handles with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps muscles.
  • Wide Grip Cable Crossovers: To do wide grip cable crossovers, grasp the handles with a wider grip. This will target the pectoralis major muscles.


Here are a few tips for doing cable crossovers:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.

Cable crossovers are a great exercise for building and strengthening the inner portion of your chest muscles. However, it is important to do them properly to avoid injuries. By following the tips above, you can get the most out of this exercise and achieve the best results.

Incline Cable Press

The incline cable press is a great chest cable exercise that targets the upper portion of your chest muscles. It is also a good exercise for developing your triceps muscles.

How to do an incline cable press:

  1. Set an incline bench to a 30-45 degree angle.
  2. Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and your head and shoulders supported by the bench.
  3. Grasp a handle in each hand and extend your arms straight up above your chest. Your palms should be facing each other.
  4. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lower the handles down to the sides of your chest. As you do this, squeeze your chest muscles.
  5. Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly press the handles back up to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of the incline cable press that you can do to target different areas of your chest muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • Narrow Grip Incline Cable Press: To do a narrow grip incline cable press, grasp the handles with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps muscles more.
  • Wide Grip Incline Cable Press: To do a wide grip incline cable press, grasp the handles with a wider grip. This will target the pectoralis major muscles more.
  • Dumbbell Incline Cable Press: To do a dumbbell incline cable press, replace the cable handles with dumbbells. This can make the exercise more challenging and help you to build more muscle mass.


Here are a few tips for doing an incline cable press:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.
  • Make sure that the bench is set to the correct angle. If the angle is too high, you will put too much stress on your shoulders. If the angle is too low, you will not be able to target your chest muscles effectively.

Decline Cable Press

The decline cable press is a great chest cable exercise that targets the lower portion of your chest muscles. It is also a good exercise for developing your triceps muscles.

How to do a decline cable press:

  1. Set a decline bench to a 30-45 degree angle.
  2. Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and your head and shoulders supported by the bench.
  3. Grasp a handle in each hand and extend your arms straight up above your chest. Your palms should be facing each other.
  4. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lower the handles down to the sides of your chest. As you do this, squeeze your chest muscles.
  5. Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly press the handles back up to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of the decline cable press that you can do to target different areas of your chest muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • Narrow Grip Decline Cable Press: To do a narrow grip decline cable press, grasp the handles with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps muscles more.
  • Wide Grip Decline Cable Press: To do a wide grip decline cable press, grasp the handles with a wider grip. This will target the pectoralis major muscles more.
  • Dumbbell Decline Cable Press: To do a dumbbell decline cable press, replace the cable handles with dumbbells. This can make the exercise more challenging and help you to build more muscle mass.


Here are a few tips for doing a decline cable press:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.
  • Make sure that the bench is set to the correct angle. If the angle is too high, you will put too much stress on your shoulders. If the angle is too low, you will not be able to target your chest muscles effectively.

Cable Pushdowns

Cable pushdowns are a great chest cable exercise that targets the triceps muscles. They can also help to improve your shoulder stability.

Cable pushdowns exercise

How to do cable pushdowns:

  1. Attach a triceps roape to the low pulley of a cable machine.
  2. Grasp the rope with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged.
  4. Keeping your upper arms close to your sides, extend your forearms down until the rope is fully extended.
  5. Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly contract your triceps to bring the rope back up to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of cable pushdowns that you can do to target different areas of your triceps muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • Narrow Grip Cable Pushdowns: To do narrow grip cable pushdowns, grasp the rope with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps medialis muscle more.
  • Wide Grip Cable Pushdowns: To do wide grip cable pushdowns, grasp the rope with a wider grip. This will target the triceps lateralis muscle more.
  • Overhead Cable Pushdowns: To do overhead cable pushdowns, attach the triceps rope to the high pulley of the cable machine. Grasp the rope with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. Extend your forearms up overhead until the rope is fully extended. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly contract your triceps to bring the rope back down to the starting position.


Here are a few tips for doing cable pushdowns:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.

Cable Bench Press

The cable bench press is a great chest cable exercise that targets the pectoralis major muscles. It is a good alternative to the traditional barbell bench press, as it is less stressful on the shoulders.

Cable bench press exercise

How to do a cable bench press:

  1. Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and your head and shoulders supported by the bench.
  2. Attach a chest press attachment to the low pulley of a cable machine.
  3. Grasp the handles with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.
  4. Position the handles so that they are slightly above your chest.
  5. Keeping your core engaged, press the handles up until your arms are fully extended.
  6. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the handles back to the starting position.


There are a number of variations of the cable bench press that you can do to target different areas of your chest muscles. Here are a few examples:

  • Incline Cable Bench Press: To do an incline cable bench press, set the bench to an incline position. This will target the upper portion of your chest muscles.
  • Decline Cable Bench Press: To do a decline cable bench press, set the bench to a decline position. This will target the lower portion of your chest muscles.
  • Narrow Grip Cable Bench Press: To do a narrow grip cable bench press, grasp the handles with a narrower grip. This will target the triceps muscles more.
  • Wide Grip Cable Bench Press: To do a wide grip cable bench press, grasp the handles with a wider grip. This will target the pectoralis major muscles more.


Here are a few tips for doing a cable bench press:

  • Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will help to protect your back and prevent injuries.
  • Squeeze your chest muscles at the top of the movement. This will help you to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Control the weight on the way down. Don’t let the weight drop.
  • Do not overextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on your joints.
  • Make sure that the bench is set to the correct angle. If the angle is too high, you will put too much stress on your shoulders. If the angle is too low, you will not be able to target your chest muscles effectively.

The cable bench press is a great exercise for building and strengthening the pectoralis major muscles.

Customised Cable Chest Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Cable flyes 3 10-12
Cable crossovers 3 10-12
Incline cable press 3 10-12
Decline cable press 3 10-12
Cable bench press 3 10-12
Cable pushdowns 3 10-12


Chest cable exercises are a versatile and effective way to build and strengthen your chest muscles. They can be performed using a variety of cable machines, and they can be modified to target different areas of your chest.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to build and strengthen your chest muscles, then chest cable exercises are a great option.


What are chest cable exercises?

Chest cable exercises are a type of strength training exercise that uses a cable machine to target the chest muscles. Cable machines provide constant tension throughout the entire range of motion, which can help to improve muscle recruitment and activation. Chest cable exercises can be used to build muscle, strength, and power in the chest muscles.

What are the benefits of chest cable exercises?

Chest cable exercises offer a number of benefits, including:
1. Increased muscle mass, strength, and power in the chest muscles
2. Improved muscle balance and coordination
3. Reduced risk of injury
4. Increased versatility and functionality

What are some common chest cable exercises?

Some common chest cable exercises include:
1. Cable flyes
2. Cable crossovers
3. Incline cable press
4. Decline cable press
5. Cable bench press
6. Cable pushdowns

How often should I do chest cable exercises?

It is recommended to do chest cable exercises 2-3 times per week, with at least 1 day of rest in between each workout. This will give your muscles enough time to recover and grow.

Hello, fellow fitness enthusiasts! I'm Zayn, a Board Certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach. My journey started from a personal commitment to fitness, and over time, this passion ignited a desire to help others unlock their potential. I transformed this passion into my profession, and today, I'm proud to say that I am armed with a plethora of certifications, all testament to my dedication and commitment.

When I'm not advising clients or working on my next blog post, you'll find me trying out new fitness regimes, diving into the latest nutritional research, or practicing what I preach with my own healthy lifestyle. My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself, showing that fitness and nutrition are as much about the journey as they are about the destination.

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