Is Chris Bumstead Natural? Separating Fact from Fiction

is chris bumstead natural

Chris Bumstead is a well-known name in the world of bodybuilding. People everywhere are talking about his impressive muscles and accomplishments. But here’s the big question that’s on everyone’s minds: “Is Chris Bumstead’s amazing body all natural?”

This question has sparked a lot of discussions and debates, both online and offline. People really want to know if his muscles are the result of natural bodybuilding or something else. And that’s where we come in.

In this article, we’re going to dig into the facts and data to find out the truth about Chris Bumstead’s body. We’ll look at important things like his Fat-Free Mass Index (don’t worry, we’ll explain what that is) and his genetics (that’s the stuff you inherit from your family). By looking at all this information, we’ll try to answer the big question: “Is Chris Bumstead’s body natural?” So, let’s get started and find out what’s really going on!

Natural BodyBuilding and FFMI

Okay, so natural bodybuilding is like the real deal of muscle building. It’s all about getting strong and big without any sneaky shortcuts like fancy pills or secret potions. Think of it as the honest way to pump up those muscles! The principles here are simple: hard work, good food, and determination.

Now, imagine a race where everyone has to follow the same rules, so it’s a fair game, right? That’s what we want in bodybuilding too. We need to make sure everyone’s on a level playing field. That’s why we’re interested in checking if athletes are going the natural route or using some extra help. Fairness is the name of the game!

Here’s where things get a bit science-y but don’t worry, we’re here to make it fun. Meet our buddy, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI). This is like a superhero metric that helps us figure out if someone’s muscles are within the natural range or going a bit beyond. It’s like a detective tool for muscles! We’ll use this FFMI thing to see if Chris Bumstead’s muscles are hanging out in the natural neighborhood or if they’ve taken a detour. Ready for some muscle detective work?

is chris bumstead natural

Is Chris Bumstead Natural? Analyzing Chris Bumstead’s FFMI:

Let’s discuss the “Fat-Free Mass Index,” or FFMI. It’s a calculation that helps us determine if someone’s muscles are growing naturally or if something else is happening. Why does this matter? It helps us see if someone’s muscles are bigger than usual without extra help.

Let’s get technical, but don’t worry, we’ll break it down. We will use measurements like Chris Bumstead’s height, weight, and muscle size to calculate his FFMI. This number gives us a clue about whether his muscles are within the normal range or not. It’s like a check to see if everything adds up.

Chris Bumstead is 6’1”(185cm) tall and weighs 230-260 lbs(104-118kg). This fluctuation in weight is due to cutting and bulking periods.

Height 6’1″ (185 cm)
Weight 230-264 lb (104-120 kg)
Waist 30″ (76 cm)
Chest 51″ (130 cm)
Arms 20″ (51 cm)
Thighs 30″ (76 cm)
Calves 20″ (51 cm)

Based on these measurements, Chris Bumstead’s FFMI is 29.6 while bulking in the off-season and  33 in the cutting season( before competition). Both are staggering numbers. The average FFMI of a male ranges between 17-22. While some genetically gifted natural bodybuilders can get over 25, someone with an FFMI of over 25 is highly likely 0n steroids.


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Comparison With Natural Bodybuilders

Following are some natural bodybuilders and their FFMI

Dr. Andrew Chappell = 25

Gabriel Sey = 25

Igor Opeshansky = 22.5-23

While Chirs Bumstead’s FFMI measurements are high compared to these natural bodybuilders. These natural bodybuilders don’t go above the FFMI of 25. They achieve this number with unmatched dedication and hard work. On the contrary, Cbum has an FFMI of 29.6 in the off-season and 33 before the competition. Well, that is a clear indicator that CBum has definitely used steroids.

Chris Bumstead’s Admission of Steriods

In the video titled TALKING ABOUT MY CYCLE, Chris Bumstead talked about his supplementation routine. While talking about supplementation, he referred to compounds known as  Anabolic Steroids. CBum admitted using 200mg to 500mg testosterone per week. Testosterone is an androgenic steroid that is naturally present in the body of males. It aids in many functions, like the production of sperm and muscle building.

He also admitted using 1-2 other compounds, which he didn’t name directly, but most probably they are anabolic steroids.


CBum hasn’t used this steroid in the last 5 years

Chris Bumstead said he hadn’t used Tren in the last 5 years. It is so toxic that it shouldn’t be used by anyone. Nowadays, people’s whole social media profiles are based on Tren. It is just toxicity, nothing more.


CBums advice on steroid use

In a youtube video, Chris Bumstead said while referring to youth, “No one gives a Flying Fu*k about how you look. I was a Pro at the age of 21. When I won the competition, everyone was like, Who’s this guy? How old he is? Then, everyone forgot. So, stick to the basics and get strong in the gym.


The Potential of Natural Bodybuilding

Factual data support the potential for natural bodybuilding to yield substantial results. Research has consistently demonstrated the capacity of the human body to develop muscle and strength through systematic training and nutrition.

Training programs designed for natural bodybuilding have shown remarkable efficacy. Studies have indicated that individuals can achieve significant muscle growth by following structured resistance training regimens. Over a 12-week period, participants with no prior weight training experience gained an average of 4.4 kg (9.7 lbs) of lean body mass through progressive weight training, highlighting the potential for muscle development through focused efforts.

Nutritional strategies also contribute to natural bodybuilding potential. Research indicates that a higher protein intake is conducive to muscle growth. For example, studies have shown that consuming protein in the range of 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day can promote optimal muscle protein synthesis, an essential process in muscle repair and growth.

Genetic factors play a role in determining individual responses to natural bodybuilding efforts. While genetics influence factors like muscle fiber composition and metabolic rate, studies suggest that individuals with less-favorable genetic profiles can achieve substantial muscle gains through persistent training and proper nutrition.

In conclusion, data-driven research underscores the potential of natural bodybuilding to yield significant muscle development. Evidence supports the effectiveness of well-structured training programs, adequate protein intake, and the ability of individuals to surpass genetic predispositions. These insights reinforce the notion that, with dedicated efforts and adherence to established principles, individuals can unlock impressive muscular gains through natural bodybuilding approaches.


The short answer is No; Chris Bumstead is not natural. He admitted to using steroids. But it doesn’t mean that anyone should use steroids. These Pros have proper medical assistance. They get checked almost daily by their doctors. If you are not a pro and thinking about starting a cycle, don’t do it, as it isn’t worth it.


1. What is Chris Bumstead’s height?

Chris Bumstead is 6’1”(185cm) tall and weighs 230-260 lbs(104-118kg)

2. What is Chris Bumstead’s net worth?

CBum’s estimated net worth is about $5-6 million.

3. Who is Chris Bumstead’s wife?

Chris Bumstead isn’t married yet as of 2023 but is engaged to Courtney King. They often share their picture on Instagram.

4. How old is Chris Bumstead?

CBum was born on February 2, 1995. He is 28 years old as of 2023.


Hello, fellow fitness enthusiasts! I'm Zayn, a Board Certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach. My journey started from a personal commitment to fitness, and over time, this passion ignited a desire to help others unlock their potential. I transformed this passion into my profession, and today, I'm proud to say that I am armed with a plethora of certifications, all testament to my dedication and commitment.

When I'm not advising clients or working on my next blog post, you'll find me trying out new fitness regimes, diving into the latest nutritional research, or practicing what I preach with my own healthy lifestyle. My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself, showing that fitness and nutrition are as much about the journey as they are about the destination.

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