Muscle up tutorial: Learn how to do a muscle-up in 5 steps

how to do a muscle up

Muscle up is an advanced calisthenics exercise that combines elements of the pull-up and the dip. It is a challenging exercise that requires a high level of strength, endurance, and coordination.

To do a muscle up, you start in a hanging pull-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your palms facing forward. You then swing your legs forward and back to create momentum. As your legs swing forward, you raise your body towards the bar. At the top of the pull-up, you lean forward and push into the bar with your hands to transition into a dip position. You then lower yourself down to the starting position and repeat.

Why is the muscle up a challenging exercise?

The muscle-up is a challenging exercise for several reasons. First, it requires a high level of upper body strength. You need to be able to lift your entire body weight over the bar, plus the additional weight of your legs. Second, the muscle-up requires a good amount of endurance. You need to be able to perform a pull-up and a dip in one continuous motion. Finally, the muscle-up requires a good amount of coordination. You need to be able to transition smoothly from the pull-up to the dip.

What are the benefits of the muscle up?

The muscle-up is a great exercise for building upper body strength and endurance. It is also a great exercise for improving your coordination and body awareness. Additionally, the muscle-up is a functional exercise that can help you to perform better in everyday activities, such as lifting and pulling objects.

Who should do muscle ups?

Muscle-ups are an advanced exercise, so they are not suitable for everyone. If you are new to calisthenics, it is important to start with basic exercises, such as pull-ups and dips. Once you have mastered these exercises, you can start to work on progressions for the muscle-up.

How to prepare for muscle ups

The best way to prepare for muscle-ups is to build your upper body strength and endurance. You should be able to do at least 8 strict pull-ups and 8 strict dips before you attempt a muscle-up. Additionally, you should be able to perform hollow holds and hanging leg raises.

Step-by-step guide on how to do a muscle up

How to do a muscle up


Step 1: Start in a hanging pull-up position.

Grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and your palms facing forward. Hang with your arms fully extended and your core engaged.

Step 2: Swing your legs forward and back to create momentum.

Start by swinging your legs back slightly. Then, swing them forward and upward, using the momentum to help you raise your body up towards the bar.

Step 3: Raise your body towards the bar.

As your legs swing forward, pull yourself up towards the bar using your arms and back muscles. At the top of the pull-up, your chin should be over the bar.

Step 4: Transition into a dip position.

Once you are at the top of the pull-up, lean forward and push into the bar with your hands to transition into a dip position. Your elbows should be close to your sides and your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels.

Step 5: Lower yourself down to the starting position and repeat.

To lower yourself down, slowly bend your elbows and lower your body until your arms are fully extended. Once you are at the bottom of the dip, swing your legs forward and back to create momentum and start the next repetition.


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Common mistakes to avoid when doing muscle-ups

  • Kicking your legs too hard. This can cause you to lose control of your body and fall.
  • Not leaning forward enough at the top of the pull-up. This will make it difficult to transition into a dip position.
  • Not pushing into the bar hard enough when dipping. This will make it difficult to get your chest over the bar.
  • Not keeping your core engaged throughout the entire movement. This will make it difficult to maintain control of your body.

Tips for improving your muscle-up technique

  • Practice your pull-ups and dips. The better you are at these exercises, the easier it will be to do a muscle-up.
  • Practice your hollow holds and hanging leg raises. These exercises will help you to develop the core strength and coordination you need for muscle-ups.
  • Use a resistance band. If you have trouble doing a muscle-up on your own, you can use a resistance band to assist you.
  • Get help from a coach or trainer. If you are serious about learning to do muscle-ups, consider getting help from a coach or trainer. They can teach you proper technique and help you to develop a training plan.

Different variations of the muscle up

There are many different variations of the muscle-up, including:

  • Strict muscle-up: This is the most challenging variation of the muscle-up. It is done without any assistance from a resistance band or other object.
  • Assisted muscle-up: This variation is done with the assistance of a resistance band or other object. This is a good option for beginners who are still learning to do muscle-ups.
  • Kipping muscle-up: This variation uses momentum to help you get over the bar. This is a good option for intermediate and advanced athletes.

Video tutorial of  a Muscle Up



How to train for muscle ups?

If you want to learn to do muscle-ups, it is essential to have a training plan. Your training plan should focus on building upper body strength, endurance, and coordination.

Here is a sample training plan for muscle-ups:


  • 5 minutes of light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks
  • 10 reps of each of the following exercises:
    • Pull-ups
    • Dips
    • Push-ups
    • Hollow holds
    • Hanging leg raises


  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps of each of the following exercises:
    • Pull-ups
    • Dips
    • Muscle-up progressions, such as:
      • Muscle-up negatives
      • Muscle-up with a resistance band
      • Muscle-up with a helper


  • 5 minutes of light cardio
  • 10 reps of each of the following exercises:
    • Hanging stretches
    • Arm stretches
    • Shoulder stretches

You should train for muscle-ups at least 3 times per week. As you get stronger, you can increase the number of sets and reps that you do.

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Muscle-up progressions

There are many different muscle-up progressions that you can use to learn how to do a muscle-up. Here are a few examples:

  • Muscle-up negatives: To do a muscle-up negative, start in a dip position with your chest over the bar. Slowly lower yourself down to the starting position.
  • Muscle-up with a resistance band: To do a muscle-up with a resistance band, loop the resistance band around the bar and step on it with your feet. This will assist you as you raise your body up towards the bar.
  • Muscle-up with a helper: To do a muscle-up with a helper, have a friend stand behind you and hold you by the waist. They can help you to get over the bar by giving you a slight boost.

As you get stronger and more comfortable with the muscle-up, you can gradually remove the assistance from the resistance band or helper.

Common injuries associated with muscle-ups and how to prevent them

The most common injuries associated with muscle-ups are shoulder injuries. These injuries can be caused by overuse, improper technique, or not warming up properly.

To prevent shoulder injuries, it is essential to:

  • Warm up properly before training for muscle-ups.
  • Use proper technique when doing muscle-ups.
  • Avoid overtraining.
  • Listen to your body and stop training if you feel any pain.

If you experience any shoulder pain, stop training and consult with a doctor or physical therapist.

Success stories from people who have learned to do muscle-ups

Many people have learned to do muscle ups despite starting with little or no upper body strength. Here are a few examples:

  • Sarah Robles: Sarah Robles is a world champion weightlifter who has also learned to do muscle-ups. She started out with little or no upper body strength, but she was dedicated to learning how to do muscle-ups. She worked hard with a coach and eventually learned how to do a strict muscle-up.
  • Barstarzz: The Barstarzz are a group of calisthenics athletes who are known for their incredible skills. They have all learned to do muscle ups, despite starting out with different levels of upper body strength. They worked hard and trained consistently, and eventually, they all learned how to do muscle-ups.

It is possible if you are dedicated to learning how to do muscle-ups. Just start with the basics, be patient, and work hard.


The muscle-up is a challenging exercise, but it is also a rewarding one. If you are dedicated to learning how to do muscle-ups, it is possible. Just start with the basics, be patient, and work hard.

Here are some additional tips for learning to do muscle-ups:

  • Find a training partner or coach who can help you learn proper technique and stay motivated.
  • Watch videos of other people doing muscle-ups to get


1. What is a muscle-up?

A muscle-up is a calisthenics exercise that combines elements of the pull-up and the dip. To do a muscle-up, you start in a hanging pull-up position and then raise your body up and over the bar until your chest is over the bar. You then transition into a dip position and lower yourself until your arms are fully extended.

2. What are the benefits of muscle-ups?

Muscle-ups are a great way to build upper body strength and endurance. They also improve your coordination and body awareness. Additionally, muscle-ups are a functional exercise that can help you to perform better in everyday activities, such as lifting and pulling objects.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing muscle-ups?

Some common mistakes to avoid when doing muscle-ups include:

  • Kicking your legs too hard
  • Not leaning forward enough at the top of the pull-up
  • Not pushing into the bar hard enough when dipping
  • Not keeping your core engaged throughout the entire movement

4. How can I train for muscle-ups?

The best way to train for muscle-ups is to build your upper body strength and endurance. You should be able to do at least 8 strict pull-ups and 8 strict dips before you attempt a muscle-up. Additionally, you should be able to perform hollow holds and hanging leg raises.


Hello, fellow fitness enthusiasts! I'm Zayn, a Board Certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach. My journey started from a personal commitment to fitness, and over time, this passion ignited a desire to help others unlock their potential. I transformed this passion into my profession, and today, I'm proud to say that I am armed with a plethora of certifications, all testament to my dedication and commitment.

When I'm not advising clients or working on my next blog post, you'll find me trying out new fitness regimes, diving into the latest nutritional research, or practicing what I preach with my own healthy lifestyle. My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself, showing that fitness and nutrition are as much about the journey as they are about the destination.

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